Sunday, September 7, 2008
Delay in the Action...
The triathlon we were supposed to be doing on my 30th birthday in November got cancelled :( So, we will look to do one in early '09 when both of us are officially 30. Training is going on, but not quite so aggressively or specifically at this moment. Sorry there haven't been many interesting reads lately, but never fear, we will be back with stories in the coming days, weeks, and months...
Thursday, August 21, 2008
much better run
This morning I did my short run for the week and added an extra bike ride (just a short one) to get my workout up to 40 minutes. I felt much better on my run this morning. Granted, it was significantly shorter than my run the other day, but still I'm glad to have gotten a better run in this week. I didn't have a fan blowing straight at me so I was more aware of how I was actually doing and got enough water in to make me feel good by the end of it. One more workout for the week!
By the way, I heard the dumbest made-up word of all time this morning. There are a lot of stupid ones out there, but this one takes the cake: Momtourage! Ridiculous! Apparently this is the entourage that moms need. Where do they come up with this stuff?
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
a day off
Wednesdays are my usual day off training mid-week. I hadn't planned on taking a day off mid-week this week since I'm trying to get myself back on track, but I decided to take the day off around 3:45 this morning when I was finally falling back to sleep for the third time after having been awake for about 30 minutes. I'm not sure why, but I did not sleep well last night. After a sleepless night, the last thing I wanted to do was drag myself to the gym and into the pool at 5:15. So, I'm giving myself the day off. I finally slept pretty well from 4-6:30. Hopefully this unexpected day of rest will help my body recover from my first three workouts of the week and give me energy for the rest of them. Plus, my legs are still sore from all the miles I rode on the bike on Sunday and Monday, so this will hopefully help that as well.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
running on empty
I'm pretty sure I overdid it this morning. After being seriously sore all day yesterday (and with Becky's advice), I decided to skip the extra short swim I had planned for this morning and just do my long run for the day. I'd planned to run for 32 minutes; I ended up running/walking for 35 with less running than I would have liked. I don't know what my deal was, but I just felt like there was nothing in me this morning. I pushed too hard--in part because I'm too stubborn for my own good and in part because I had a fan blowing directly on me. (The fan, by the way, felt good, but made me less aware of just how worn out I was halfway through my workout and therefore unable to regulate myself based on how I felt until I started feeling really gross.) About halfway through, I walked for a few minutes and then ran/walked the rest of the time. By the end of my workout, I was definitely feeling rough and a bit lightheaded. I feel better now that I've gotten some fresh air and a lot of water. I wish I had some Gatorade at home which would probably help balance me out; maybe I'll get some when I stop for gas on my way in to work this morning. Lesson learned: I will not run with a fan blowing directly on me again; this seems to have been my downfall today.
In unrelated news, I learned on Sportscenter this morning that my Chicago Bears have decided to start QB Kyle Orton over Rex Grossman. Good decision, Lovie; I approve especially since I was thought it was pretty unfair that he was passed over so quickly after winning 10 games his rookie season.
Monday, August 18, 2008
I did well this morning: 15 minutes in the pool, 32 minutes on the bike. Just a couple of quick thoughts after my early morning workout:
1. The pool was PACKED at 5:30 am. I'm wondering if this has anything to do with Michael Phelps. Perhaps he has people motivated to swim and attain Olympic glory as he has? I'm not sure about that, but I'm still not that fond of swimming. In related news, I believe that I set a world record this morning for the slowest lap of all time--serious I'm a really, really slow swimmer. Oh well, time isn't that important, at least to me; it does seem pretty important to Michael Phelps.
2. I find myself doing a little people-watching as I workout in the morning. Mostly I'm interested in what they're doing and/or watching as they workout. This morning I noticed that a few other people in the gym were watching sportscenter like I was, but others had some very interesting choices. I saw a middle aged man watching VH1 and looking really into it and a woman watching an infomercial. A few others were reading--several reading the paper which I'm impressed by; to me, its hard enough to handle the bulk of a paper sitting at a table; I impressed by anyone who can handle it while walking on a treadmill or riding a bike.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
slacker goes to the gym...
So I've been a serious slacker lately on my training, but this week I'm committed to getting it back together and getting back on track. So, I got up early this morning and went to the gym before church. I decided to do my long bike ride for the week since it takes the most time and is hard to do in the morning before work because getting up any earlier than 5:15 is just not going to happen. I rode the bike for 52 minutes which ended up being about 18.5 miles--this was quite a surprise to me! It wasn't bad. About 15 minutes into my ride, I felt like it was never going to end and like I had already been riding forever! But I made it through, thanks in part to the fan on the bike and to cabel tv. I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that in addition to my usual gym television (espn), I watched part of an episode of Full House. I know its cheesy and I'll probably get laughed at for it, but Full House always reminds me of Friday nights as a kid and brings back great memories--you've gotta love TGIF television! I only laughed out loud once during the episode though I smiled quite a bit. Despite the embarrassment I might feel for having watched and enjoyed it, it made the end of my long ride bearable and for that I'm grateful to the Tanner Family.
Monday, August 11, 2008
Catching Up...
Though I haven't posted in some time, I have actually been training still...well, there was that week I totally slacked off and only worked out once, but since then, I've been on the straight and narrow again.
I still hate to run. I keep thinking and hoping that it will change, but it doesn't. And that's okay. It's just something I have to make myself do. only I'm not always super great at it. Like tonight. But we'll get to that in a minute.
I ran Saturday and wanted to do nothing on Sunday other than lay around and watch the Olympics. I didn't want to run 2 days in a row, so that was out. I didn't want to bike because the seat on the bike seat in the fitness center is about the most uncomfortable thing in the world. I didn't want to swim either. Really, I just didn't feel like slathering on the sunscreen and performing the necessary contortions to cover my entire back so I don't get a sunburn while swimming. But, it was the lesser of the 3 evils, so I slathered and swam.
And tonight: I biked and then ran. I wanted to try the two in order, back to back. At first it wasn't as horrible as I imagined it to be...8 miles of biking and right into the first 5 of running. Not liking it, but not dying yet either. Then we got into the 6th minute and my calves and shins got super tight. I stopped and stretched and then finished out the 17 minutes alternating walking/running. Not the most successful night of running, but it's a start, I guess...
Friday, July 18, 2008
Up and down
This morning has had a lot of ups and downs. Here are a few...
My alarm was set for 5:20 so that I could get up and get to the gym by around 5:30. When it went off, I did what I do every morning--decide whether I'll actually get up or if I can do the prescribed workout later in the day or even another day. At 5:20 this morning, another day sounded like a good idea since Saturdays are usually one of my days off from training; so, I reset my alarm for 6:20 and rolled over. About 3 minutes later, I changed my mind and just got up to go the gym.
Today's workout was the long bike ride for the week--48 minutes. Since I'm riding a bike inside at the gym I can set it to different programs based on what I want to do. This morning I set it to a random hill program hoping this will help with the transition to actually riding a real bike outside once its not so hot. So, I rode up and down hills for 48 minutes.
My attitude about my workout was up and down the whole time. When I first started, I felt good and confident that I would be able to finish. By about 20 minutes in, however, I was already exhausted and ready to quit. A few minutes later I was exhilarated and ready to ride forever. This went on and on, up and down, for the entire 48 minutes.
Finally, the fan. This is my fave feature of the bike that I ride at the Y. It has a fan that blows at you right on the bike. Amazing! This is a great feature because it gets really hot riding for 48 minutes without any airflow around you. This morning I discovered an awesome feature of the fan--it moves up and down! I noticed that it was missing my face and so I tried to adjust it and it worked! This was my favorite up and down of the morning.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Some observations on my long swim
Tonight was the first long swim I did on my own. (The first week Becky was here, and last week I was still feeling sick so I didn't do it.) I was pretty apprehensive about my ability to swim for 24 minutes, but I'm happy to report that I did it! I'm pretty proud of myself actually, since I didn't even really take any long breaks, just short ones between every couple/few laps.
Anyways, here are a few things I noticed tonight during my swim:
- I seriously cannot swim in a straight line. I guess this isn't particularly surprising given my inability to walk in a straight line, but I'm amazed nonetheless. I would guess swimming straight when doing backstroke is hard since there's no real way to gauge whether you're going straight or not. On the other strokes, though, I tried Becky's suggestion of looking at the line in the bottom of the pool. Unfortunately, this didn't seem to make much of a difference. I'm hoping that this will get better over time.
- I got some bad foot cramps in both of my feet during my swim tonight. It was rough, but I pushed through and made it. If this is going to be a regular thing during my swims, I'm going to have to do something about it. I know that I probably need potassium, but I can't eat bananas. Becky suggested Gatorade, which I could do. Any other suggestions?
- Switching strokes every other lap or so seems to work for me. I know that freestyle is the most efficient stroke, but I just can't do it for prolonged periods just yet. So, this week (Monday and tonight) I tried to vary a bit more often, and it seemed to work. I was able to keep going for longer without taking long breaks, and I wasn't as worried about inhaling water. I think this will be my new plan, at least until I get a bit better at this whole swimming thing.
- It's important to pay attention to where you are in the pool when doing the backstroke. I tend to zone out when I'm doing the backstroke since I like it the best; (My face isn't in the water at all!) however, I need to pay more attention since I almost hit my head on the side of the pool several times tonight. Perhaps next time I'll learn from Becky!
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
A bit of advice...
I tried to go to the gym right after work tonight since I figured if I went home first I wouldn't get off the couch; however, the gym was packed at 7pm, so I didn't go in. Instead I decided to get something to eat and go to the gym for my run after that. I was really looking forward to it, since I like running. Unfortunately I made a seriously poor choice for dinner, and then went running...YUCK! My 14 minute run, which usually wouldn't feel too long to me, felt like it would never end all because my dinner was sitting like a brick in my stomach. It was a disgusting 14 minutes. So, here's my advice: do not go running after you've eaten nachos! Maybe no one besides me would try this, but just in case you might be thinking about going out for a run after a yummy nacho dinner--don't! I promise that you'll regret it.
Monday, July 14, 2008
Can someone explain to me...
why airlines oversell by ridiculous numbers of passengers which is preventing me from getting home to complete today's training requirements!?!?!? After 16+ hours on Friday, 9 of which were spent at Hartsfield International Aiport in Atlanta, I finally made it to DC for the weekend. Had a fabulous weekend, totally DIDN'T run like I was supposed to yesterday, and now find myself stranded again at Hartsfield (this time probably overnight), and again missing another day of tri training fun. I'm a bit irritated with the airline industry, but am enjoying an afternoon of people watching...the highlight of that so far is definitely the PINK poodle! Will try and get a picture to post if I can do it without being completely obvious...
After almost a week of slacking off from my training (I just couldn't quite get myself together after being sick early last week), I got up super early this morning and got to the gym for my Monday workout--14 minute swim, 29 minute bike. My 14 minutes in the pool, once again, felt like an eternity. Here's the thing, I don't think the problem is that I'm not a good swimmer, though I'm not; I think that the problem is that I just can't get over how terrifying it feels to have my face submerged in water. Its unsettling to know that if I opened my mouth, I'd inhale water and that wouldn't be good. Though I'm embarrassed to admit it, I had a bit of a taste of this as I was swimming this morning. Twice I had to stop mid-lap because I'd forgotten to not breathe in water. It was especially embarrassing because 1. the pool was packed at 5:30 am--get a life people!--2. it happened both times right in front of the 16-year old lifeguard. I must work on this. Despite my embarrassing moments, I made it through.
After my swim, I got on the bike and road from 29 minutes. I'd forgotten my headphones so I had to read a magazine instead of enjoying cable--which, let's be honest is part of the reason to go to the gym. I read Ladies Home Journal and learned that men are in fact better at forgiveness than women and that all activity involving water from drinking it, to soaking in it, to listening to it, and swimming in it, is relaxing and should result in my feeling better equipped to face the day. Interesting. I agree that most interactions with water are relaxing, but I'm not ready to say that swimming is. Perhaps by the end of this training I'll feel differently.
Friday, July 11, 2008
A Day Off...
How excited am I that I'm off today!!! No running, biking, swimming, or anything dramatic like that. I'm especially excited about the day off since I've been up since 3:20am when AirTran called to tell me my flight was cancelled. NOT cool...and so I sit at the Tampa Airport hoping to get out on standby well before my "guaranteed, rebooked" flight at 3:45pm. Wish me luck!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Lightning Strikes AGAIN!!!
Thankfully, it struck right after I had finished swimming last night. Lifting and biking today and running once over the weekend. The plus about this weekend's run is that it will be in DC :) I can run past the Capitol, Supreme Court, the monuments, and old favorite spots around Capitol Hill. I'm almost looking forward to it...
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Rain Delay
More accurately, lightning delay. The storms here in FL are absolutely fabulous, however, the lightning does interfere with my swimming laps in the outdoor pool. I was stormed out last night and was going to combine that short swim with today's longer one, but lightning stuck again and ruined my plans and left me with two other options: running or swimming. To be perfectly honest, I didn't want to do either! I'm sure you're shocked - Ms. Lacking in Self-Discipline Related to Exercise not wanting to do a workout?!?!?
It was true. But I mobilized and headed to the somewhat sauna-like, poorly air-conditioned fitness room at the old apartment complex and got it done. I RAN of all things! And I ran 11 of the 13 minutes of the "short run" for the week and spent some quality time on the elliptical while watching a particularly great episode of "What Not to Wear".
And so it was that I made it through another day of the training plan. Just 5 billion more to go. Don't worry, I'm totally up for it! Or at least I am pretending I am..."fake it till you make it" as my friend Karin is fond of saying :)
Monday, July 7, 2008
Since I've been sick the last couple of days (yes, I suppose that is an admission), I haven't been able to keep up with my training schedule. Yesterday I was forbidden to run, and today I was way too tired and gross-feeling to get up to swim and bike at 5:30 this morning. I certainly wasn't sad to miss the swim this morning, though I seriously need the practice, but I must admit that I missed the run yesterday. Unlike Becky, I actually enjoy running and am looking forward to that part of our training. Too bad I can't trade my swimming leg of the triathlon for Becky's running one. Becky tells me that you can compete as a team in the longer triathlons with a different person doing each leg of the event. Maybe Becky can do the swim, and I'll do the run. Anyone up for the biking part? We can be a team!
Anyway, I'm feeling a bit better today. I hope that after tomorrow I'll be back at full strength, and I can get back into my training. I suppose I should try to get today's short swim into my schedule sometime this week so that I don't get out of practice, but we'll have to see if I can get that motivated. Wish me luck!
Friday, July 4, 2008
The LONG SWIM...sounds menacing, huh?
Tonight was our first long swim and it was SO LONG! Ok, 20 minutes isn't that long in the grand scheme of things, but for me, 20 minutes of swimming seems like an eternity. Becky came to town for the weekend since she had a few days off, so we went to the pool together tonight to do our swim. Having her in the lane next to me made me feel a bit better about swimming. I mean if I started to drown, at least Becky could save me rather than the 16 year old lifeguard looking at me like I'm crazy from his chair nearby.
Becky gave me some tips on my technique during our swim which I'm sure will prove to be helpful once I get over this whole being terrified of having my face submerged in water thing. Yes, I recognize that most people get over this fear when they take swimming lessons as kids, but I'm not most people. So, in the meantime, I'll just swim a lap or 2, notice that I haven't drowned, catch my breath, and swim on.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Post Run Blues
How is it that I can be on the freakin' elliptical for 45 minutes with no problem and not even run for 12 minutes straight? Does this make sense to anyone else? I KNOW it uses different muscles and all that crap, but I feel like the endurance part has got to transfer between activities somehow. Doesn't it?
I'm not one of those girls who doesn't sweat or perspire or whatever, but I was totally drenched after my 9.5 minutes of running and my 2.5 minutes worth of walk breaks. I couldn't even finish the short run running. How pathetic is that? And I"m pretty sure I hated every minute of those 9.5 of running. Well, I guess the first 3-4 weren't completely horrible. I'm pretty sure that my aversion to running might somehow be more mental than it actually is a physical inability to perform the activity. My roommate, Sarah, suggested I read a sports psychology book. Maybe I should. I also was telling Erin I need to give myself a limit to the number of negative comments I can make about running and/or myself in relationship to running in any given week. I really should do that, but then what else would I write about? I wouldn't be able to complain about my 20 minutes of running I have to do on Sunday that there's no way in #*@^ that I'm going to be able to finish. Really, I will work on my attitude. And if anyone has any running secrets, I'm totally open to trying them and maybe even to not hating running anymore...
Tomorrow's a day off!
I'm not sure that starting training for the triathlon and my new job in the same week was that good of an idea. That said, I'm really looking forward to the day off from training tomorrow. It's sad that it's only 2 days in and I'm already SO excited about a day off!
My run this morning was good. I'm not really worried about this part of the triathlon--unlike Becky, I don't think I'll die while running...swimming, however, is a different story.
12 minutes. That's the SHORT running day for Week 1. Are you KIDDING ME!?!??!?!?!?! I have to do that tomorrow? Eeeew! And then 20 minutes for the long run over the weekend. I have only a few times in my life ever run for that long continuously, one of which was when I ran my first and only 5K a few years back. Thankfully there are some months between now and said triathlon - perhaps enough time for me to gain a bit more self-discipline and endurance for running. Time will tell, I suppose.
Erin's first sports injury*
This is quite a momentous occasion--on the first day of my tri-training, I got my first sports injury. No worries, my injury is not serious and will not derail my training. I was swimming this morning before work and the pool was much more crowded at 5:30 am than it really should be so I had to share a lane with another swimmer. People who have ever walked anywhere with me know that I can't walk in a straight line to save my life. Well swimming apparently isn't any different--I can't swim in one either. In my attempt to stay clear of the super-fast swimmer who was sharing the lane with me, I tried to stay really close to the side of the pool and scraped my hand on the side. The cut is small, but hurts just the same. I'd like to use this injury as an excuse to stop the swimming portion of my training since I hate swimming, but I'm sure Becky wouldn't go for that. So, I will live to swim another day, injury and all.
*I must confess that though I thought this was my first sports injury my mother reminded me that it wasn't; I broke my toe in gymnastics when I was a little girl. I will, however, claim this as my first sports injury as an adult. Here's hoping it's also the last!
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Getting ahead...
Well, not getting ahead so much as getting a head start, I guess. I headed to the pool this afternoon to pay for my membership and get my ID card so I can start "official" swim training tomorrow. I hadn't done any cardio for the day, so decided to get in a few laps while I was there too.
Though I'm not particularly fast and though I'm certainly no model of perfect stroke technique, I love to swim and am least concerned about this leg of the triathlon. I did some freestyle, a bit of breast stroke, and then switched to backstroke. I felt like I was moving faster than normal and was thoroughly enjoying my little glide across the pool. Like any wise swimmer, I kept a watchful eye for the overhead flags to tell me when I was nearing the wall. I kept swimming and swimming and saw no sign of the flags..apparently I wasn't going as fast as I thought. Then suddenly my hand whacked the wall just a split second before my head/neck would have been driven full speed ahead (or behind in this case) into the concrete wall! That certainly would have put a damper on the limited enthusiasm I have for this ridiculous, I mean ambitious, training plan....
So, you know there are often those "Check depth before diving" signs? I think there needs to be "Check for flags before backstroking".
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